
Hello everyone.

It’s been a while since I posted something here or done anything at all.

IRL stuff has been crazy where I finished my masters in Electrician, finished getting a licence to work, maintain and fix a certain Fire Alarm system, mall that I work alot in catching fire , volcanoes going bananas and a lot more that I don’t want to share (at least not yet)

But I am crawling back into content making but a few changes are going to be made.

1st of, I am going to be multy streaming to both Twitch and YouTube, where I will have a seperate YT channel just for streaming.

2nd, I really like playing World of Warcraft and I am going to be making some WoW content (getting a priest to lvl 60 on Hardcore for example) over there. This will probably be only Classic but player housing in WoW might pull me in to try retail at some point. We’ll cross that bridge when it gets here.

3rd, I’m going to be continuing to make some videos out of the streams for my YouTube Gaming channel.

About dates. I cannot promise anything at the moment and will probably not be consistent on any content creation to begin with. But as 2025 comes along, we will probably work something out. To start with, I have almost stopped entirely to work off regular hours (after 16:00 Icelandic time) so it should free up some space to do content creation. Is that going to stick? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see with that.

Other than that, have a happy new year, thanks for the old and I’ll catch you all soon.

With regards:
